Holiday closure notice: Closed 25th, 26th December & 01st January. No other closures. 


Single Use Dental Instruments Logo

An Ultimate Guide to the Evolution of the Consumable Society

What is our obsession with all things shiny and new? Whatever happened to investing in something which would last a lifetime or at least a long time? Customers of today are ruthless, with a voracious appetite to consume. Are we so used to having access to as much of what we want that quality is […]

One Salt Water – Improving health and happiness

One Salt Water is a Christian community development organisation whose aim is to support individuals in health, well-being, spiritual growth, Bible engagement, culture and arts. One Salt Water is a Christian community development organization whose aim is to support individuals in health. well-being , spiritual growth, Bible engagement, culture and arts. The group arranges overseas […]

Bringing bigger, brighter smiles to Vanuatu

Vanuatu is a Pacific Island nation located in the South Pacific Ocean, where rapid population growth, rural to urban drift and geographic isolation make the delivery of healthcare services very difficult. Inadequate and irregular budget allocation to healthcare practices means there is a critical shortage of human resources, with as little as 17 dental personnel […]

Bringing aid to the poorest country in Europe

  Moldova, a small land-locked country north of the Balkans, has become the poorest country in Europe since the breakup of the Soviet Union. A significant drop in the amount of funding allocated to health care saw life expectancy decrease and premature mortality increased.The inefficient health care system provides virtually no preventive care. In 2010 […]

Single Use Dental Instruments in Cologne Germany

Our team recently had the pleasure of attending the 37th International Dental Show which was held in Cologne, Germany. Since the first international show in 1928, IDS are firmly established as the global leading trade fair for dentistry and dental technology. The biannual show provides the perfect opportunity to gain insight into the advanced technologies, […]